Having been in and out of addiction, alcoholism, and institutions for 32 years, I’ve gratefully just celebrated my 4th year of recovery. It has been a hard, hard road as I am back in prison for the seventh time for having dirty U.A’s. I am ever grateful for the chance to reach out to another person who’s in recovery also. I’ve never worked the 12 steps until now, and I am grateful for the journey. I stay in today only and sometimes I can only stay in the moment. It is not enough for me to be “dry” in prison. I now know that I must always be vigilant in working my program even in prison. I’ve come to learn that I have to reach out to God, others in recovery, and stay connected to myself. Prison is not forced recovery – I must always work on my recovery. The last four years gave me a bit of a head start on my sobriety and I’m grateful.
-Cassie R.