…So my concept of a Higher Power is probably much like that of others but I simply see mine a little differently. My Higher Power simply supplies me with things. All kinds of things! They aren’t necessarily good nor are they bad. They are just things. Some things I like and some things I don’t like. What I do about all those things, good or bad, whether I approve or disapprove, and how I conduct myself on a daily basis with regard to those things, is the connection I have to my HP and it is done through the practice of spirituality.
So what is Spirituality for me? Well, it is an inner path, which enables me to discover the essence of my being. Spirituality is not only discovering who I am, but also who I want to be. It is nurturing my thoughts, emotions, words, and actions that are in harmony with my belief that the entire universe is, in some way connected.
It includes deep principles of love, caring, moral values, as well as kindness and consideration of my fellows. It also carries with it life without prejudice. It is a practice that includes meditation, prayer, and contemplation, and is intended to develop my inner life. Spirituality is my connection to my Higher Power whether it is rooted in religion, nature, or some kind of unknown essence.
The challenge of being a spiritual person as I have described it is at best overwhelming for me. Am I doing it perfectly? Heck no, not necessarily, but it is a worthwhile goal toward which I need to endure and strive for in order to live a peaceful and serene life.
In conclusion, having a Higher Power in my life helps me to better understand, appreciate, and accept the steps… especially steps two, three and eleven. I am now able to accept and understand that circumstance, situations, conditions, state of affairs, environment, and surroundings, has everything to do with my Higher Power and very little to do with me. Today I use the key of willingness as pointed out in step three to accept and move toward a faith that works.
Today I can say beyond doubt and unequivocally, that daily living for me is much easier and more fulfilling now that I truly have a Higher Power in my life. And most importantly to have a better understanding how my life fits within that Higher Power.
-Alan L.