Exciting news! General Service Office (GSO) has sent out a request to begin
gathering stories from our Fellowship on three projects resulting from the 2015 65th
General Service Conference Advisory Actions on Literature. These include the
revisions and updating of the “A.A. for the Woman” pamphlet including stories
from women in the military, single mothers, and women of diverse backgrounds,
and “A.A. for the Gay and Lesbian Alcoholic” seeking stories from A.A. members
who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, or gender nonconforming, especially
regarding being a newcomer and sponsorship. And a call for stories of wide A.A.
recovery experience from members with mental health issues and from those who
sponsor such members.
From 3 separate memos dated June 10, 2015 from Mary L, Sectretary to the
trustees’ Literature Committee:
1. In response to the 2015 General Service Conference recommendation that
“the pamphlet ‘A.A. for the Women’ be revised by gathering current sharing
from women in A.A.,” including “stories from women in the military, single
mothers, and women of diverse backgrounds.” The trustee’s Literature
Committee is seeking stories from women in A.A.
2. The trustee’s Literature Committee is seeking stories from A.A. members
who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered or gender nonconforming,
especially regarding being a newcomer and sponsorship. This request is in
response to the 2015 General Service Conference recommendation that the
pamphlet “A.A. and the Gay/Lesbian Alcoholic” be revised to include a
wider range of A.A. recovery experience.
3. The trustee’s Literature Committee is requesting a wide range of A.A.
recovery experience from member with mental health issues, and from those
who sponsor such members, for inclusion in literature on this topic. This
request is in response to the 2015 General Service Conference
recommendation that the trustees’ literature committee develop literature for
the alcoholic with mental health issues.
In 2014, the trustees’ Literature committee requested that whenever gathering
sharing, consideration be given to stories from disabled veterans and from non-
Manuscripts should be from 500-800 words, double spaced, in 12-point font.
Please include your complete name, address and email/phone information. The
anonymity of all authors will be observed, whether or not their story is selected for
publication. Please email your sharing to: Literature@aa.org and put “AA for the
Woman”, or “AA and the Gay/Lesbian Alcoholic”, or “the alcoholic with mental
health issues” in the subject line of the message. Or you may mail it to the
Literature Coordinator, General Service Office, Box 459, Grand Central Station,
New York, NY 10163. The deadline for submissions is October 15, 2015.
Submitted by Doug R.
Central Office Co-Chair &
Area 69 Literature Chair