The October All Groups meeting was held on Saturday, October 15, 2011. The word is out that this meeting is not to be missed. Pot-luck dinner was heavy on the luck this month, which included but was not limited to: a crockpot of chili (presumably a test for the chili cook-off November 12, better start practicing if you want to compete!), a fine batch of chicken noodle soup, two kinds of shrimp, The Best Potato Salad In The World, fresh fruit and veggies and a seriously wicked chocolate cake.
After the important element (eating) was done, the Garden Variety group introduced the topic, “The Value of a Home Group”. We heard some great stories from members who found the home group instrumental in their early recovery and who continue to find the fellowship of a home group vital to their growth in the program, and an effective way to make newcomers feel safe and welcome in their new “home”.
The All Groups meeting is a wonderful opportunity to meet folks from meetings you might not normally attend. And eat some great food. The November All Groups meeting will be hosted by Nutbuckets on the topic “Why Are You Here?”. We hope you will join us on Saturday, November 19, 2011, at 6:00pm for dinner and 7:00pm for the meeting.